Programmable 20amp smart timer
Programmable 20amp smart timer

programmable 20amp smart timer

Still, oftentimes people worry about plugging a space heater into a timer switch because the switch is a small resistance. If you can not see it, research your switch online, or just use another one where you’re sure it can handle 15A. Usually, you can find the rating of an electrical timer switch somewhere at the side or the bottom of the case. Is it rated below 15A? Then, I’d suggest looking for another outlet timer just to make sure you don’t burn or destroy something accidentally. Just make sure to check the rating of the timer. Yes, you can plug a space heater into most timers. Can you plug a space heater into a timer? Most space heaters need about 12.5A (sometimes more, sometimes less). The reason is that your power supply can not deliver more than 15 to 20 Amps of current.īy using only a second space heater, most power supplies will have to surrender.īecause most outlet timers are rated at 15 to 20A, they can not handle more than one space heater at a time.

programmable 20amp smart timer

Generally speaking, every time you plug in more than one space heater into your power supply (via power strip), you blow a fuse somewhere. Never plug multiple space heaters into a timer Therefore they can switch on and off fridges, lights (which draw a lot of current) and air conditioners.īut can electrical timers also handle space heaters?įirst, let’s take a look at what you definitely cannot do. That’s why timers are usually safe to operate with high-power devices. Relays are used whenever you need to switch lots of power. The reason they can handle so much is that they are oftentimes built using a relay, which is an electrical switch that is suited for switching on and off very high currents. Usually, electrical timer switches can handle about 1800W of power. So, all companies design their space heater to run at 1500W, which is what your house energy supply can deliver. A space heater with less power would not be as effective. Well, in order to heat properly, space heaters draw as much power as they can get. Nearly all of them need 1500 watts of power. It doesn’t matter whether your heater is an infrared, ceramic or electrical heater. Oftentimes they also have a medium-heat mode, where you can set the power to be 750W or similar. That is about as much as 3 desktop gaming computers at once. Usually, space heaters draw a lot of power: 1500W to be exact. However, you should still check the power requirements of your timer switch for safety reasons.īut to verify whether you can use your timer together with your space heater, you first need to know what’s important to consider. Most timers can handle the amount of power a space heater needs. Question: Can you plug a space heater into a timer?Īnswer: Yes, you can plug a space heater into a timer as long as it doesn’t surpass the power limits of the timer. In this article, you’re going to learn whether you can plug a space heater into an outlet timer and what you should look out for! You could, for example, heat your bedroom while you sleep and automatically switch off the space heater at 1 am in order to save some money on your electric bill.īut is that even possible? Are space heaters suited for timer switches? “Dial outlet timers are simple to employ – just plug them into an outlet, then plug your device into them and set the timer.” Cecilia Harsch – Hunker Can you plug a space heater into a timer? This is a question many people ask because you could save so much energy by automatically switching off a space heater.

Programmable 20amp smart timer