P portal 2
P portal 2

Well, Portal 2 already starts out not pulling that off so well. In the end, the plight has to be a plight. Not only does the protagonist have to be enjoyable on a character and developmental level in order for their plight to be worthy of the player, but the antagonist has to keep up with them in the same way, almost like a mirror. When consuming a narrative, I base my experience on the conflict between protagonist and antagonist. Coming back to the original Portal, yes it was fun, but it wasn’t the game that Portal 2 ended up being. My fondness for Portal 2 almost entirely stems on what it did outside of its puzzle mechanics. I guess my tastes have changed since 2011. Last year I went through all of The Room games in quick succession and loved every second of it, especially the third game. In fact, as of 2020 I actually like puzzle games. I did play the original Portal prior to Left 4 Dead 2, but it didn’t speak to me the way that its sequel did, despite being of the same genre.īefore I get into what distinguished Portal 2 as a puzzle game in my eyes, I should first mention how its genre relates to that. After my bought my first Valve title, Left 4 Dead 2, I was hooked. As for why, well it was because of the company that developed it. The only puzzle console game that has ever come onto my radar back then was Portal.

p portal 2

There isn’t any considerable amount of time I have put into games that aren’t massive hits, which don’t seem to be puzzle games. I’m not ashamed to admit I have a taste for popular games. This is because it’s in a genre I barely play. P ortal 2 is my favorite video game of all time, and if you had to guess that out of my entire video game history, you most likely would have gotten it wrong.

P portal 2